"Yuvalim" was established in the year תשס"ה , 2004 by the Torah Manhiga movement and Sha'alei Tora in the Kiryat Hayovel neighborhood in Jerusalem.

"Yuvalim" was created by Rabbi Shimon Or, a graduate from "Mercaz Harav" and "Ateret Cohanim" Yeshivas in Jerusalem. The program is run by the families of his students who moved to the neighborhood, as well as single students coming from army service who study at the Beit Midrash in Yad Avi synagogue. Religious families and students who live in the neighborhood are also part of this tight knit community.


Kyriat Hayovel is a large neighborhood with a population of 50,000. It consists of many immigrants, as well as native Israeli families. Most of the inhabitants of this neighborhood earn low incomes; as a result, there are many economic and social problems in the area. There are also no religious education readily available to the public.


The Purpose


The purpose of the program is to form a united religious community which will have a positive influence on the life of the general neighborhood and provide steady communication between secular, traditional, and religious people, based on mutual appreciation and respect.




 1. After school "Ha'shachar" Facility

"Hashachar" serves as a warm gathering place for children and teens. This is a place where they can study, do homework, and participate in religious extra curricular activities. The school and the social service department help the youth make this contact. These facilities operate from Yad Avi Synagogue in cooperation with Ariel youth movement, as well as volunteers from the national service.


2. "Rama Volunteers"

We want to expand the knowledge and abilities of our high school volunteers. They will be able to take part in the yearly program of religious and professional enrichment.

The program connects children who need social and curricular support to high school Yeshivot all over Jerusalem. The youth from the Yeshivot volunteer and help these kids on a weekly basis, at home or at school. Once a week, they will gather together to discuss social enlightenment and guidance, and a torah lesson connected to the subject of volunteering. Two modern Yeshivot already participate in this program. We plan to include more in the future.


3. Extracurricular Activities in Secular Schools

     People from "yuvalim" come once a week to secular primary schools to expound on subjects related to parashat hashavua, midrashim, religious holydays and more. We also provide help for children who have learning needs through our "Older Brother" program.


4. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Project

     The students of the Yeshiva are responsible for the Bar Mitzvah program. They assist in bible study and understanding the Tefilim, as well as other religious activities. We also have a Bat Mitzvah program specifically run by the women of "Yuvalim", (led by national service volunteers). These volunteer aim to go beyond temporary relations to forge a deeper bond with the families of these boys and girls.


Special activities

These activities take place around the time of religious holidays. They include workshops and other extracurricular activities at various centers in the neighborhood.



If you are interested in participating in any of our activities and studies, or contributing to our community, or for any other information on us and comments, you can contact us via email: dafnakatan@walla.co.il

or phone: 054 8001922 / 02-6437325


Our address: "Yuvalim" – Tnua l'tora Manhiga

                        Beit Kneset "Yad Avi"

                        63 Borchov St.

                        Kyriat Hayovel, Jerusalem

כתיבת תגובה

האימייל לא יוצג באתר.